October 23, 2024



Doctoral Programs Online – Could One Be in Your Future?

The thyroid problems degree, the highest degree offered in many countries including the United States, is now offered online. It follows a bachelors or masters degree. The amount of time taken to complete the doctoral degree is dependent upon if the bachelors or masters degree is in the same area of study. Two distinct types of doctoral degrees include a professional degree, required to practice in a specific profession, and a research degree. Research degree candidates are required to master knowledge in a broad field and techniques of scholarly research.

In the United States, at least one to three years of study beyond the masters degree is required for the research doctorate. On the average the research doctorate is most often attained after five years of study and research beyond the masters degree in on campus doctoral programs. Additionally, doctoral candidates must pass oral examinations and present a written dissertation based upon their research. The doctoral dissertation is representative of an original contribution to a body of knowledge. The doctoral candidate completes a detailed study of their research problem and presents those findings in a dissertation.

The most important research doctorate is the Doctor of Philosophy which may include specialization in almost any academic field of study. Doctoral degrees representing advanced professional training include doctoral degrees such as Doctor of Medicine, Pharmacy Doctorate, Doctor of Education and Doctor of Dental Surgery. Undergraduate degrees can vary for those obtaining a doctorate in advanced medical training. If you have thought about obtaining a doctoral degree continue to pursue the feasibility of it. Earning a doctoral degree may be quite possible for you. The feasibility of obtaining a doctoral degree has broadened with the opportunity of online education. There are many institutions that offer doctoral degrees all or in part online. Just as online education has developed in may other segments of society, doctoral programs online are now a reality.

Many educational institutions have stepped up to the needs of working professionals who are not in a position to leave their positions to work on a doctoral program. They are offering many if not all of the courses online. Some programs require face-to-face meetings at the institution with faculty as part of the progression toward planning coursework, research development or writing the dissertation. Course work, including exams, can be completed online at the convenience of the student. This allows job and place bound potential students to pursue their goal of obtaining a doctoral degree without leaving their position or moving. Often the limiting factors in pursuit of a degree are cost and when one can keep working and draw a paycheck as well as avoid moving expenses, somehow the daunting task seems more reachable.

Doctoral programs online or in residence do cost money, there is no doubt. The program of work is only for those willing and able to budget for such a degree. Costs vary from institution to institution so it is good to shop around. It is helpful if the area of study they would like to pursue in the earning of a doctorate degree can be narrowed down. By doing so you can then more effectively narrow your search of institutions to those that offer a doctorate in your area of interest. Then, specific tracks within areas of interest can be searched for availability from various institutions. Next consider cost variance, faculty, and other areas that may be of importance. Each of these steps will help rule in or rule out real interest and the feasibility of pursuing a doctoral program online or in the classroom. This will allow focusing and development of a goal or goals that warrant time and effort and, I might add, blood, sweat and tears. As you may have experienced in other areas of your life, it is necessary to throw yourself into your long-term goals with lots of energy and excitement as the goal, of course, it to reach the goal. A doctoral degree goal, online or in the classroom, is no exception.